7 tips to successfully stage your property

Want to sell your property?

When it's time to sell your property, staging can be your secret weapon to create a swoon-worthy space that stands out in the market.

Let's dive into some top tips that will help your property shine brighter than the rest.

1) First impressions count: boost your kerb appeal

Like a firm handshake, the exterior of your home sets the tone for what's inside. Tidying up the front garden and adding a splash of paint to your front door can do wonders. Remember, kerb appeal is your home's first chance to woo potential buyers, and a quick tidy before each viewing can make all the difference.

2) Define your spaces

Clarity is key to helping viewers imagine their life in your home, meaning that it should be clear what the purpose is of each room. For example, if it's a bedroom, let it be a bedroom, not a makeshift gym.

3) Engage the senses

Staging isn't just about looks; it's a full sensory experience. The gentle flicker of scented candles and the soft undertones of music can create a peaceful vibe that makes your home feel like, well, home. If you’re short on time, simply ensuring that each room has been aired out and is well ventilated will make a difference to anyone viewing the property.

4) Declutter and depersonalise

A bit of a clear-out can go a long way. Aim for a clean, minimalist feel that allows buyers to imagine their own lives unfolding in the space. Less is definitely more here.

If you’ve been letting out the property and still have tenants occupying it, then this is a bit more difficult. In this case, nicely asking the current tenants to make their bed, neaten up their belongings and give the rooms a clean, e.g. wiping down kitchen counters and giving the floors a quick hoover will help create a presentable rental property.

5) Revive and refresh

Don’t worry, there’s no need to buy new, flashy furniture, as old furniture can get a new lease of life with some throws and cushions. Add mirrors to bounce light around, which can be especially beneficial if you have smaller rooms and want to create a feeling of having more space. Plus, don't forget fresh linen to make bedrooms and bathrooms feel inviting.

6) Dress to impress

Setting the dining table can evoke thoughts of dinners with friends and/or family meals and laughter. It helps to create an emotional connection that's hard to resist. Staging your property is about creating scenes that help capture the heart, and could be something as simple as buying fresh flowers to have on the kitchen table. Plants and flowers breathe life into a home, adding instant freshness. Whether real or faux, they're a must-have in home staging.

7) Fix and polish

It's all in the details. A fresh lick of paint, sparkling windows, and hiding those pesky cables can make your home look cared for and ready to move into.

According to Zoopla, staging your home can up its value by up to 10% and help it sell three times faster, so it's definitely worth the effort.* And while professional home staging has its perks, there's a lot you can do yourself to spruce up your space.

If you’re on the fence about selling, talk to us and discover how we can help you find the best path for you, or find out how much you could sell for by booking a free expert valuation.

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*Zoopla, 2023